cheetah.gif (7232 bytes)  Travel Photography    globe.gif (10689 bytes)     


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Mayan Girl, Guatemala



I enjoy travel and photography. Over 150 of my pictures have been featured in US and International publications. Below are some of my favorite published photographs, click on the pictures or on the titles to view the full size image.


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1. Lake of Love in Bruges, Belgium

The swans were nice enough to produce a heart shape.

Published by the GeoMundo Magazine


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2. Mayan Pyramid in Palenque, Mexico

The only Mayan pyramid which had a burial place inside

Published by the Journal of Well Being


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3. Vizcaya, Miami, Florida

Palace and a formal tropical garden

Published by the GeoMundo Magazine


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4. First one on the beach, Florida

I took this photo early morning in Sarasota

Published in the Colonial Penn corporate calendar


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5. Dimitri's gold casket cover

Displayed as part of the Treasure of the Czars exhibit in St Petersburg florida.
Most of these items never left the walls of the Kremlin before.

Published by the GeoMundo Magazine


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6. Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

This area also called the "Land of Eternal Spring". The temperature is approximately
70 degrees all year around. The color of the lake changes constantly as the sun moves.
The elevation is about 6000 ft.

Published by the Sunshine Magazin, the Sunday section of the News/Sun-Sentinel




